
We had our final hike of the year Thursday past.  The chosen trail was the Crags which is not a long trail as we also had a planned picnic to end the years activities in style.  The hike took us just on an hour in weather conditions planned for the outdoors.  While waiting for all participants to arrive at the rendezvous point we were entertained by the sharp whistles of the Southern Boubou, a very alert bird hiding in the trees and bushes.  Not a very successful photo but for sentimental reasons I kept the focus lacking pic of the couple.


As is custom children are more than welcome on this the final hike and we had quite few.  When all the hikers were assembled we took to the Crags trail which starts with a gentle slope up the mountain.



Not in abundance, but the flowers were there to sooth the eye.




The mountain Dalia, however, were present in abundance.

DSC_0024 More to follow, meanwhile enjoy the weekend as the year rushes to its end.