Summer is here and our Pincushins are blooming.

Have a super day.


Our other cat, the boss cat that rules the house.

Enjoy the day.


We have two cats, both recued cats. They and the dogs get on well, but that took some training. Here the one cat is enjoying the early summer sun.

Enjoy the new week.


Our two pooches, both rescued. The Boxer is about three years old and the Husky/Collie cross is about sixteen years old. She has become deaf but is still the sweetest dog around.

Enjoy the day of rest.


The pawpaws ready for picking.

Enjoy the weekend.


Oncoming traffic.

OK I know for people in the USA, Canada and Europe we drive on the wrong side of the road.

Enjoy the day.


Two friends at training greeting.

Enjoy midweek.


A butterfly with a damaged wing.

Yet it could still fly. Enjoy the day.

More apple blossoms

Have a great new week.


An apple blossom in our garden.

Enjoy a lovely day of rest.